My Chars

Thursday, January 04, 2007

5 Things About Me

Okay, Foton asked for 5 things from other bloggers, so here's mine :

  1. I always play a mage, if I can. In any game I've ever played.
  2. WoW is my first MMORPG. For now it's my only one :)
  3. I'm not really a blogger, I lack the inclination and time to write a lot. This blog is just for my own amusement for now.
  4. I spent 3 years (not consecutive) in Dayton, Ohio. There's nothing much to say about Dayton. Or about Ohio, for that matter ;)
  5. I'm one of 2 Guild Enchanters for my guild. It usually means a lot of logging between my alt who serves as guild bank for enchanting mats, and my main. I wish Blizzard would add better support for guild banks in the game...
As I don't know any other bloggers, the buck stops here. I don't believe in superstitions so I don't mind :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More posts pls I like your blog btw and have linked to it from my wow blog - Wow Blog If you like mine I would greatly appreciate being added to your blogroll :) Thanks